Tuesday 23 September 2014

Blabbing about: The Birdcage (1996)

Hello! I decided to watch a new gay-themed film so here goes my review!

The Birdcage (1996)

The things that highlighted this film - was of course,

the Robin Williams character, and the Nathan Lane character.
But, the downsides where, to me personally,
was practically every other character in this film.
(.....And I also thought that there were so many stupid decisions 
made out through this film as well)

I REALLY loved the main..couple?( haha, is that how you describe it? )

But everyone else was such assholes! 
well, I can't say "everyone", It's just that son, 
and the girl that he wants to get married to.
I just couldn't stand the son (Val, was it?)
I thought he was just so... how do you explain it?
All he cared was about how much he wanted to look "normal" in front
of the girls parents and treated his parents like trash.
I thought - man... doesn't he actually feel grateful for his two dads for 
taking so much care for him?
And I didn't understand why they had to have dinner ... at 
their house.. is it like, a thing? (sorry I don't know anything in detail)
I hated how Val was always complaining, I felt SO sorry for Armand and Albert.

Also, the fact that he was only 20 and the girl was 18 and
they wanted to get married was stupid (as hell) as well.
I read a review on this movie and some people were saying that
the young couple would of definitely be divorced in a year.
I can't agree more.

Another stupid reason that made me want to punch him in the face was because

I was SO JEALOUS of Val. (lol what?)
I would of freaking died if I had Armand and Albert as my parents.
It would of been the best thing ever...like seriously!

OK, I would stop talking about Val and the girl..which I couldn't even
remember the name, and talk about the good parts of this film.

Yes, as I said before, I thought the two main characters were AMAZING.

I can't say anything more then that! lol.
How the two characters treated each other and everything was just so- perfect.
Like, casual, and calm. They have been together for so long they pretty much
know everything about each other,
 it's just like a elderly couple that has been married
for decades.. well, they are, aren't they?
In pretty much all other gay-themed films I have seen, the two main character's
relationships evolve more fireworks! and explosions! and so much drama!
(which is great too) but it was awesome to see something different, and 
something that is maybe, more real.

A really - I don't know, strange? weird? thing
(well I don't even know if its weird.. well, to me it is.)
was that I actually thought - Robin Williams was really hot. Like, oh my god.
Well, you can't blame me. I thought he was. full stop.

Best scene in this film:

When Armand and Albert sit on that bench together
when Albert leaves the house and Armand chases after him.

In conclusion,
I REALLY enjoyed watching this film and I LOVED the
two main characters to bits.
But some of the parts - including characters and plot
had some downsides.
I would definitely watch again, fast forwarding
any scenes involving Val, and the girl.

Bye bye!