Tuesday 24 February 2015

Blabbing about: Reservoir Dogs (1992)


So, a while ago I found out about this amazing film and having been interested ever since.
(I went to the video rental store and found this DVD and kind of fell in love.)
And.... I finally got the opportunity to watch it today!
You don't know how much I have been waiting for this moment.
(I couldn't watch it straight away because of... restriction reasons. Meh.)

Lol here is a photo of me holding the DVD.
(Just cause haha)

So here goes my short and not-review-like review!

Warning: May contain spoilers

Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Crime, Action

(You don't know how long it actually took me to memorise how to spell the word "Reservoir"....)

OK, I would like to start of by saying that this film was absolutely amazing and I loved it so much.
I just...I can't really explain in now haha. I thought it was just bang on my...my type? lol
This was my first Quentin Tarantino film and I am so impressed!!!!
I am so addicted to 70's-90's R-rated Crime films. UGH best thing ever.
(The 90's are really amazing aren't they? I can't believe I actually think this way now but lol)

With so much of shouting and swearing and violence, I felt kinda tired when I finished
viewing this haha. I still feel so hyped up because it was so amazing.
I seriously need to calm down now...

Towards the end, I was literally watching this film like this:

The ending was so intense.. ah, so amazing how films can make you feel so excited.

Anyway, I loved this film so so much and would definitely watch it again.
I personally feel like this film would never get boring...
It was just- UGH. So great. I think that crime films with comedy is one
of the best things ever.Oh and yes- I loved the soundtrack!

I would personally give this lovely film a score around a 8.5 out of 10.
(Daym I feel like a fancy film critic saying this haha.)

This is actually kind of weird but I watched "The Piano(1992)" today as well.
I thought "oh my god Harvey Keitel is everywhere"...lol.
Well anyway, all the sexy, romantic-ness from The piano 
blew right away as soon as put on Reservoir Dogs haha.

I haven't written a review for The Piano but I loved it to bits as well!
Just thinking about the film now kind of makes me melt.
That was such a sexy film. And Reservoir dogs? not so sexy haha.
(That scene where Mr Blonde cuts of the policeman's ear.. while I was
watching it all I thought was "Man this is so not sexy.")

Bye bye!

"I'm so fucking scared man. Would you please hold me?"

(I don't know why but I really like this line.
I feel like it summaries a lot of things that happened in the film.)

Sunday 22 February 2015

random film talk: The De Niro Addiction


Ok, so, as you can see in the title, What I want to talk about today is
just..well, what kind of films I've been into lately.
And..... Yesterday, I watched half of "The Godfather part Ⅱ(1974)",
And then I watched half of "Raging Bull(1980)",
And then I watched half of "Mean Streets(1973)".
(but man... why the hell didn't I finish any of the 3???
I've seen Mean streets previously but..oh man, why am I like this...

I LOVED Mean streets. I thought Jonny Boy was absolutely adorable.
And of course, Charlie. UGH SO GORGEOUS.
(I know this isn't like a, film that I should be drooling over but who cares lol)

You seriously don't know how much I am in love with Johnny and Charlie.
And...one thing I want to say is that, oh man I feel like such a retard saying this but,
Why was Johnny and Charlie in the freakin SAME BED?????
That's just too hot man. Don't make me imagine these things god...
Every time I want these things to happen and let my imagination go wild
and feel extremely guilty, I always think of what the screenwriter of
"Rebel without a cause" said in my all time favourite documentary"The celluloid closet". 
It was something like how films are in offering to an audience to make "our own film".

Yesterday while I was watching the wonderful "Godfather part Ⅱ"and "Raging Bull", 
It made me cry a little because all these amazing things that 
happen in the movies would never happen to me.
I thought - Ah, life. Like is such a bitch.
Well, at least I can see all these masterpieces.
Makes my life a hell a lot better.
(I wonder if there is a god of films lol
Because if there was, then I will have to thank him/her.A lot.)

So, my goal for now is to purchase "Mean Streets"On DVD, or even better, on Blu-ray.
I will watch it everyday and cry every time at how adorable they are.