Tuesday 1 July 2014

Blabbing about: Eyes without a face(1960)

I can't remember when I first knew about this film

but it was when I was browsing through some
random movie website and this film came up
as a recommendation.
It was in the Criterion Collection and I fell
in love with the DVD/Blu-ray cover at first sight.
It looked so mysterious and romantic....and
I search what the actual film was about and
Thought to myself "Oh man I can't watch this!".

The Criterion collection's cover that I saw.

I am extremely terrible with any kind of

gore/blood on screen (certainly not in real life either!)
And even thought this film is shot in black and white,
I thought I will have to watch it in 10 or so years time.
(I actually did think this.)

But... recently I came back to being interested in this

dark and thrilling looking film and decided to give it a go.
It haven't been 10 years but I thought that I can
handle a black and white 60's horror film now haha
(Oh man you think that I'm such a baby don't you?)

So here we go with my extra short review.

Warning: May contain spoilers!

This post will be very short by the way..

Les yeux sans visage (Eyes without a face) 1960

The first thing I want to say is that I thought
this film was nothing other then "Beautiful".

Oh man...uh...this film was extremely beautiful
and haunting.... The mixture (or should I say blend)
between the beautiful cinematography with the grotesque
scenes and the haunting images of the anguish and regret of
the characters...

I can't explain how perfect I thought this film was.
I'm too stupid! haha.
I love beautiful black and white horror films so much..
(Wait..this film isn't even supposed to be a horror isn't it?)

And.... What I also want to say is that I thought the
Poor daughter- Christiane was so beautiful..
(how many times do I need to use that word? lol)
I LOVED all her gowns so much and her hair too...
ugh...so amazing....
(What am I going on about? haha) And her "new face"
after the operation was very.. what is the word for it?
Believable? Like.. ugh.. I don't know what to say but
everything was amazing, full stop.

(I actually feel so ashamed and sad that I can cry
that all I can say about this amazing piece of art is 
this pile of garbage..I am so sorry!!!)

I can seriously stick a photo of her everywhere.
She is just so amazing......
(I love everything. Her hair, her gowns, her mask, her voice..)
Just her standing there in the screen makes the
whole atmosphere so painfully sad yet very beautiful.
I can go on about her forever! haha.

Oh, and yes, I thought that one of the things
that highlighted this film was- of course the father and
daughter relationship.
The father loved the daughter too much he
fell apart at the end...

And... the very famous "Operation scene" was 
very, very frighting.
My face was going "Oh my god...ahhhhh!!!"
Throughout the whole 5 minutes or so.
This film is over half a century old but it still
scares the hell out of me? wow...
(and...yes, even though this scene was very
grotesque it was still very-very beautiful.)

I thought the make up was amazing too!
(extremely believable. Uh, such artists.)

Overall, I loved this film very much...
I don't know how many times I have to use
the word "beautiful" but I just can't explain it 
in other words! (plus I have very poor vocabulary haha)
The characters,the music,the pretty gowns..everything
had such a quiet and haunting atmosphere.

I will definitely watch this film again but not right now,
I want to save it for later. I think that I will have
different option next time, and properly every time
I watch it.

So, I thought it was great watching a foreign film
and this is actually, very embarrassing but my second 
French film I have seen in my entire life.
(The first one is "Le chorus(2004)")
To be honest I didn't have any interest in French films
But this definitely changed my mind.
I think that I should look for another amazing,
Black and white(preferably horror again) French film sometime.
I think that I will enjoy a older classic then recent ones..

I shall stick another photo of beautiful Christiane
just for the sake of it haha-

I will never get bored of her.

"Smile. Not too much."

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