Sunday 14 December 2014

Blabbing about: The Philadelphia Story (1940)


I was interested in this film since I
was looking for a nice classic romantic comedy.
(And look at the cast!)

well.. I knew about this film and had a DVD for quite
a long time but didn't feel like watching it.

Anyway, lets get onto the review(ish)
shall we.

Warning:May contain spoilers!

And oh, this is going to be a extremely short post.
I think...

The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Romantic comedy

I have to say first, that I didn't feel like watching
this film for a long time since I found out that
this was the.. what is it called?
The original version? of "High Society(1956)".
So, I knew that..I knew the plot so felt
very.."oh what....".
(Damn... If I only knew...I would of definitely
watched this first!) 

But, Since I thought I HAD to give it a go
for the last time, I finally did watch it all the way.

OK, so the first thing I have to say about this
film is that I thought Katharine Hepburn was GORGEOUS.
She was absolutely beautiful...uh.
(lol, I've actually only seen her in 
"Guess who's coming to dinner(1967)"before.)

And, of course the wonderful Cary Grant and
James Stewart was extremely handsome as always.

OK...about the story-line...
Well... I really can't say I got any surprises
or anything since I pretty much knew it all,
but..yeah,Personally, I can't say I loved the story,
Since I don't really like "two guys taking over one girl"
settings.(well... this is more like three guys, and I
have said this before haven't I? haha.)
I also don't like "girls taking over one guy"settings as well! 
I prefer it when it's just you know, two humans.No more!

Overall, I thought the casting of the 3 main characters
were great and enjoyed watching Katharine, Cary and James
very much, but would personally thought the story was so-so.
(Just not my thing.)

And, one last thing:
I know I'm not supposed to compare,
But yes, I liked Katharine Hepburn as Tracy
waaay more then Grace Kelly, haha.
But...though I love both "Philadelphia Story" and "High Society",
I personally enjoyed watching "High Society" more,
Yes, Because of the music.
(Everything in "High Society" was great, 
except Grace Kelly. Sorry!)

Bye bye!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Blabbing about: Papermoon (1973)


So... I can't really remember when I first

knew about this film, but I fell in love with,
well, pretty obviously, the title.
And the wonderful poster.

I don't know why but I LOVE the

whole..what's it called? concept of "Paper Moon's".
I think its one of the most romantic things ever.
Yes, I do love the song "It's only a papermoon" to bits as well.
And, I love those floating moon things you sit on.
(Ugh.. I want to sit on one of those..My dream.)

So... I was always interested in this film and

finally had the opportunity to watch it! yay.
So here goes my very boring, extremely short review...

Warning: May contain spoilers!

Paper Moon 1973


So, The first thing I will have to say is

that I really enjoyed this film!
But...I actually don't know what to say about
this film to be honest...(as always).

I loved the characters, the relationships,

The beautiful black and white cinematography
the music...everything had a very nostalgic atmosphere.

I do think that one of the (or maybe the most)

important thing in a film is the atmosphere.
Like, every film has a whole different world
of it's own, right?
(But I dislike it when well, mostly recent films
try hard to make it have a atmosphere..
I shouldn't be made, it should be natural.)

I thought the performances of the two were

amazing and Addie was adorable.
I actually like the fact she smokes, to be honest.
(lol, this is not right isn't it)
It kind of shows us the times and the realities.
I think it's kind of romantic.
Addie Smoking, as usual.

And another small thing I love was the opening credits.

UGH, so perfect.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film and the best thing

about it was of course, the relationship between Addie and Moses.
It was just amazing,this whole film made me really happy.
It did make me laugh, feel sad, and smile.
It was a nice, cheerful, funny, nostalgic drama film
that shows you how beautiful human relationships can be.
This film will never get boring, and will
always end up putting a smile on my face.
Will definitely watch again!

Favorite Scene:
Just about every scene where Addie and
Moses is talking to each other.

"You still owe me two hundred dollars."