Wednesday 7 January 2015

Blabbing about: Commando (1985) and Cliffhanger (1993)


So, I recently felt like, I've been watching
very old and dull, lots-of-listening kind of films,
And decided I should watch some 
exciting 80's-90's action movies for a change.

(My brother has a lot of typical action movies

so I just stole them and watched it haha.)

I think my favorite genre of films is..drama, 

but I love so many others genres as well!
I love drama, musicals, and I also LOVE horror.
(hmm.. a strange combination isn't it?)

 I don't think I watch too much comedy. action is so-so.

(although I do love action movies, I don't watch it too much)

Since it's "action", it had to be the two major stars,

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone!
(My brother is a big fan, so he has quite a lot of DVD's..I think)
I do love both of them, but haven't watched a lot, at all.

I LOVE the "Rocky" series and we own the whole set,

And that's pretty much all I've seen of Sylvester Stallone.
(except the recent "Grudge Match" and 
"Escape plan"-which also stars Arnold.)

And, for Arnold I've seen "Kindergarten cop(1990)",

"Junior(1994)" and "Twins(1988)" Which are all comedy.

Well.. back to the actual topic.

Ok, So... I can't really write a review for
the two films, so I will just introduce the film
and write down a few comments.
As always.



I thought I HAD to watch this since my

little brother used to be obsessed.
He would get his little Nerf guns out and
Watch the same part over and over again.
(uh..the good times.)

Oh man this is the scene he watched at least 5 times

per day.. haha.

Ok, I really enjoyed this movie and thought it was great!

Yes, I can't say much since it's an 80's action movie,
It's supposed to be pure entertainment that you enjoy
at that moment.

I thought the little girl (oh man can't remember the name..)

was extremely cute. ugh, the awesome 80's clothing!

So, in conclusion I thought that this film was 

very enjoyable and would recommend it to practically anyone! 
(well... I suppose lol)

This film was the first 80's action movie I have seen

That stars Arnold so it was great to see it.



(Hmm...This is a pretty cool poster, isn't it?)

Ok, So, uh... I don't know how to start of with this one,
But I really enjoyed it! it was extremely thrilling
And very well done, but ...oh man,
The "Bad guys" pissed me off so much.
Maybe that is one of the reason I wouldn't 
really want to watch this again.

Stallone's character (ugh...don't know names..)

was awesome and the girl was extremely cute though!

I don't have any clue how did they do most of

the scenes. (man..I really have no idea!)
I thought they were really realistic
well... I don't even know how "realistic"
Movie's special effects are now days lol

I can't say much on this movie either,

But I will just say that it was really great,
I enjoyed it and the main casts was amazing.

So, I enjoyed both films very much,
And well, yes, I thought that 80's-90's action movies
are great as anything else I watch as well haha.
Maybe I just don't like recent comedy movies.
They are just not my thing.

Bye bye!

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