Tuesday 21 October 2014

Blabbing about: Wings (1927)


I am really excited about writing this review(ish)!

So, I first knew about this film by..of course, watching "The celluloid closet".

I didn't really care much about it at first, but ever since I knew that
the wonderful Clara Bow was in it, I had to watch it.
It was a pretty lengthy for a silent film, and I took 3 days to watch it, haha.
But it was well worth it!

Warning: May contain spoilers!



(I have NO knowledge on war and all that,

so I can't say anything about anything else then
the characters and the plot! sorry!)

The first thing I have to say is that,
the relationship(or should I say bromance?)between
Jack (Charles Rogers) and David (Richard Arlen)
was just AMAZING.
As hell.(They are both so handsome! ugh.)

I thought that they were.. adorable together.

Yes,yes, I know that they are just two good friends
but still, It just hit me.
(I can feel the "pre-code Hollywood" atmosphere..hehe)
I thought how the "celluloid closet" explained it,
"there was a time where men could express tenderness 
on the screen" was perfect.
That is the whole thing, you know?
just plain tenderness.

I thought that well, of course,

Clara Bow so charming as ever.
She lit up the whole screen every time
she appears.
And well, I can understand how she didn't really
like her role, but, there would of been SUCH a 
big difference if she Mary wasn't in the film!
Thank you Clara Bow, for being there.

Oh yes, I thought Gary Cooper was EXTREMELY

handsome. like, oh my god.
(He had a Cameo in another Clara Bow film "It(1927)"
Didn't he? I thought it will be like that in this film too,
But it was great that he actually was on screen for 
more then 10 seconds. And how amazing was 
that close-up shot on his face... )

Ok, so back to Jack and David.

I actually have so many things to say
now I don't know .. what to say (what??)

I thought this film was just so romantic.
Everything about Jack and David's relationship
was just beautiful.
(Hmm... the main romance is supposed to be
between Mary and Jack but how come
I always focus on just Jack and David?
and It's not even supposed to be a romance haha)

But, well, we are all supposed to see films
(or books or art..etc) and interpret it in our own way,
so, I personally believe.. or maybe something more like
want to believe is maybe that Jack and David's
relationship was something beyond friendship.
I actually don't want to say something
very straightforward like "they were gay",
Because that makes me sound really stupid.
Yes, I think it does, but... oh my god, I can't stop
myself from wanting that to be true! oh man.
Never mind. 
But I do really really think that they were "more then friends".
Yes. That has to be true.
(Maybe something in-between friendship and romance?)

What, what is it photo supposed to mean? haha.
Jack and David are having fun together and
Mary is left alone???

OK...now I shall talk about the

most famous(maybe?) part of this film.

The first on screen kiss between two men.

I feel like I have seen this scene so many times before

watching it with the actual film,
But it hits me every time.

I think this scene when David is lying down in Jack's arms

is one of the most saddest moments in film history. Really I do.

I think that this is one of the great things about silent movies.

I have to say that David's death tore my heart out but it
was extremely beautiful at the same time.
(A "sad" scene where someone dies in movies nowadays are
often really cheesy. They try so hard to make to us cry.. like wtf?)

Oh David...David....ahhhh..David..

I can't say anything to explain this scene then "beautiful".

But I have to say that "the kiss" isn't really a "kiss".

It's just beside the lip, as you can see. 
But, that's just as great. I'm extremely grateful for them to actually
make it happen!
(This "kiss" is told as a very good example of "pre-code Hollywood"...
so.. would this scene be cut if there was a production code then?
It wasn't supposed to be a romantic kiss, and its hardly as kiss anyway!
hmm.... production codes are stupid. As we all know.)

Oh yes, and I want to say that I thought the

action packed war-scenes were incredible!
I thought it was extremely well done and very realistic.
(I bet there are way more phony-looking scenes in recent
movies using crappy CGI haha.)
I don't understand anything about these war-fighting-scenes
so I pretty much had no idea what was happening
while all the planes were flying everywhere and going crazy
shooting one million holes through their enemies..but,
oh well. No one can understand a movie perfectly!

Best scene:

Of course, the "kissing scene".

I can watch it everyday, and cry all day.

In conclusion,

I thought this film was amazing, 
and was much much more then I expected.
Although I LOVE Clara Bow, and her character 
Mary, I have to say that I thought the relationship
between the two main characters, Jack and David was the best
thing in the whole film. Well, for me.
I will definitely watch this film again.
(hoping next time I can watch this on Blu-ray...)

What, why does Clara Bow look so left out 

in pretty much all the photos with the 3 main characters???
Like.. look at the second pic! you can just see her
Mumbling "Fu#k this... I hate you two."
(Oh and it isn't Clara Bow right... it's Mary.)

"You- you know there is nothing in 

the world that means so much to me as your friendship-"

Bye bye!

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