Monday 3 November 2014

Blabbing about: Alien (1979)


I knew about this film because..well,
It's an famous classic and most people will
at least know the title right?
And..I've always had the DVD (which was
included in a set) but I never had the..
guts to watch it. I thought that it will be scary as hell.
But....I don't know why but recently I've
been feeling like watching a horror film
and decided to give it a go.
I was always interested but too scared,
But since, now I knew I bit more about the film
(Didn't even want to know but well, there's
the internet with spoilers everywhere)
So, lets get onto the review shall we.

Warning: May contain spoilers!


The first thing I thought about this film is yes,
the special effects. The special effects/make up
along with the set design was AMAZING!
I really wonder how they did all those...
(I would love to see a "Making of" but
unfortunately it wasn't included in the special features.
I love "making of"s. By the way my favorite "making of"
documentary will be the one for "The Shining".)
And, the Alien costume was amazing as well!
UGH, I love it.

For the plot, I thought it was really interesting,
but as I said before, just browsing though a pop culture
website can come up with either the "Face-hugger"
reference or that baby-alien-coming-out-of-body
reference. I knew about those two so I can't say
I got any surprises or shock but it was still
extremely frighting... Yes,as I said, the SFX was
AMAZING. (It will all be CGI now days, right? ugh.)
The scene where one of the character's (Can't remember
names) head ripped off was amazing...
(man how many times do I need to use that word lol)
That REALLY freaked me out ahaha.
ugh....that moment his head started talking again...ahhh

And..yes, I thought everything else like the
cast,directing,acting, was great too!

This is kind of out of topic and I think I have said this before
but I FU#KING HATE IT when people think
classic horror film's special effects are campy and tame,
in "Today's standards".
What the fu#k is "Today's standards" anyway?
When someone says something like "This movie used
to be really scary in the olden days but with the
technology we got, it's even looks humorous"
UM, WHAT? fu#k you.(oh man...I need to be more lady-like.)
Did you event CGI? Are you working in the movie industry bitch?
(Shut up lol) I always think this, but just because you were born
later then some people, it doesn't mean you are superior.
Just watching a film doesn't make you any better.
I personally think that older horror films are more "Horrific"
many,many times more then modern ones.
Because modern films are just re-creating older ones with
more "Realistic" scenes right?
I always think this, but "better" technology doesn't
mean better films. It's almost the opposite.(well,duh.)
Think about the 1933 King Kong compared to the 2005 one.
I love the 1933 one and thought it was very, very well done,
but Hollywood will NEVER do anything like that again, ever.
(Well, of course.)

OK, enough with my bitching.
I'm done. #phew.

Man...I talked so long for something that was 
nothing got to do with Alien haha.
How the hell did I get to King Kong? lol.

Well, in conclusion, I really enjoyed this film
and the special effects were absolutely amazing.
This film never bored me and I will definitely watch again.

Favorite scene:
Do I even have one? haha.
Hmm.... but since I loved the SFX I would say
any scenes involving the special effects, the Alien
and the make ups (even though I did no like it haha.)
Or just the final scene where the Alien is flying
into space.

I want to wear that Alien suit.

"You are my lucky star...
You lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky...."

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