Sunday 23 November 2014

Blabbing about: Sunrise: A song of two humans (1927)


So, I first knew about this film when I was browsing through a
blu-ray website when it came up as a recommendation.
(Yes...same as before haha)
And...Same as always, I fell in love with the
Blu-ray Jacket(Or cover?).
I do judge movies with the cover don't I?

The Blu-ray cover which I Saw.

OK, so here we go with the very short review.

(yes....very, very short and boring as always)

Warning: May contain spoilers!

Sunrise: A song of two humans (1927)


So I will start of by saying that......

I loved this film so much! it was extremely
beautiful and everything was amazing.
I fell in love.

Yes, I thought the special effects were

AMAZING. I thought that this was one of those
films you understand the meaning and the
greatness after you have finished viewing it.
I've only watched it once and urgently want to
watch it again.
And, since I watched it on DVD this time,
It has to be on Blu-ray next time!

The romance between the man and the wife was
so beautiful and I did cry at the scene where the man
breaks down when they saw a wedding.
I love that scene so much.
(Silent melodramas are amazing, aren't they?)

Oh yes, and one thing that I thought was..
Well, I can't say that I've seen many silent films
but the title cards in this film seemed kind of
different from other ones I have seen.
I wonder why? well, this isn't important isn't it.

Yes, This scene.

I loved all the scenes in "Sunrise".

Oh man.. I....seriously...need to watch again...ahhh.
I know that I am going to cry hard out next time ahaha.
I think this film would always make me happy.

And, one thing I would like to say s that I thought the
special feature in the DVD was amazing!
I thought it explained everything so perfectly.
(well,duh.) It definitely deepened my understanding of
this film.

Overall, It was such a lovely, tender and romantic film.
It was utterly flawless in every way possible.
(I love that fact that everything was so simple..
The characters didn't even have names.)

oh man... I don't have the brain (or vocabulary)
to explain the greatness of this film!!!I'm so sorry!!

One of the most romantic scenes I have seen on film.
Uh...makes me cry. 

 thing I am sure about this film is that
I will have a different opinion every time I watch it.
I definitely don't understand the whole..
what it is called? amazing-ness,
 (wait, is that even a word? lol)
completely, yet.(Well, of course.
After all, I am still just 16 years old.)

If someday, I turn out to be"The wife"(well...hopefully.)
I think I will have a completely different view on this whole film.
And when I am like, 80 I will have a completely different
view as well. I fell like I can watch it film for my entire life actually.

Favorite scene:
When the Man and the wife is getting their
picture taken, and they think that they have broken off
and lost the head of a sculpture that was in the room.

I need to watch more silent melodramas...
What are some other great films? I need to look
for one sometime.

"This song of the Man and his Wife is 
of no place and every place; 
you might hear it anywhere, at any time.
For wherever the sun rises and sets, 
in the city's turmoil or under the open sky on the farm, 
life is much the same; sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet."

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