Sunday 10 May 2015

Random film topic: Gelsomina, Iris and Cabiria - Blabbing about the trilogy of loneliness



Yes, I have finally completed viewing Federico Fellini's trilogy of loneliness! YAY!
(Man I can never get used to the strangeness of that La Strada poster.. Gelsomina, why is you hair pink?)

I don't know why, but I love trilogies. When I find out about a trilogy, I have to watch the whole thing.
But.. hmm... not like a franchise, I do love franchises like the original Star Wars trilogy and the Rocky series but... not like that. I love trilogies that the stories aren't connected but there is something else, something special that connects the three films together.

For example. well, in Fellini's trilogy of loneliness, the three films are completely different (the characters and settings etc) but well, as you can already tell, the special thing that connects the three films is that they are all made up of lonely characters. Other examples are like James Ivory's F.M. Forster trilogy and George A Romero's trilogy of the dead (the F.M. Forster trilogy is all based on his novels and are set in England in the early 20th century and trilogy of the dead all feature zombies) Uh, I love trilogies! By the way, at the moment I am looking forward to watching The Dollars Trilogy, yay!

Well anyway..back to the trilogy of loneliness topic...

I'll talk a little about "Il Bidone(1955)". I want to say that Picasso and Iris were just ADORABLE! Daym. I personally thought that Giulietta Masina looked the most pretty in this film (Well, of course she looked amazing in all three but) It was great that the character Giulietta Masina plays has a happy life.  But one of the things I can't stop wondering is how the filming goes when the actors/actresses are speaking in different languages.


This scene is so cute. I hope I can be in a relationship like that with my future husband (HA! you wish...)

My personal favorite out of the three was, as you can tell, The Nights of Cabiria.
But I loved everything of course. I am extremely happy. La Strada was like the film that got me into Federico Fellini and the art of Italian Cinema. (And well, Bicycle Thieves as well but lol)
But well, most of all, it introduced me to the wonderful, charming Giulietta Masina!
Oh Giulietta, you are my idol. I always remember you in La Strada and The Nights of Cabiria when I am feeling down. On the Wiki page someone explained you as "The female Chaplin" but well, that explains everything!

I've watched 5 Federico Fellini films at the moment. I really can't believe it lol, that is like a lot for me who hardly watches foreign cinema! But I am getting into it now. I love everything.

So that's it! I just wanted to say that I loved The trilogy of loneliness. It's my favorite film trilogy so far.

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