Friday 8 May 2015

Random Topic: "In the Realms of the Unreal"


Recently, well, more like two days ago, I found out about an artist named Henry Darger.
Well, I actually knew about him from a TV program I saw a few years ago and never
forgot about his works but I didn't really know his name.

Anyway, I was on a random website and his works just popped up. The moment I saw them,
it was like BA-BAYM. It struck my heart, and I nearly cried (seriously lol)
It was just... I can't explain it in any other way except "BA-BAYM" haha.
I had to search more about him and found out that there was a documentary film
(Called "In the Realms of the Unreal(2004)") about him and watched it right away.

God the poster is so pretty (well.. I think the credit goes to Henry Darger but lol)
To be honest, I thought the documentary wasn't too perfect, but it was still great that
I got to know about his life and the stories of the novels he wrote.

Oh, and the night I watched the documentary, I dreamed about the Vivian girls!
I can't really remember how it went exactly but it was about me
(I'm 16 now so I don't think I, myself as a little girl...)
and how I got completely lost at my school. (I always dream about my school but it's not actually my school, it's a place where my primary school, my middle school, and my high school is all mixed together) Well anyway, yes, I get lost...oh wait I'm beginning to remember this now.

OK, so, I was at the strange mixed up, huge school and I had some random class next
but to be able to go to class I had to go through the swimming pool. When I walked to the swimming pool, I saw these dead ducks floating in them. I thought "Oh shit" and decided to look away and
run through so I don't have to see them. But, when took my first step, I stepped on something strange.
I looked at my feel and it was a dead chick. I screamed and ran away.
I didn't know any other way to class except through the horrible swimming pool so I wondered around finding trying to find another path. I failed.
Well, something happened after that and I was suddenly in this.. huge room with big furniture
(like a very old fashioned British room) and I needed to get out but I couldn't.
I saw this little blonde girl on the other side of the room of me (It's one of the Vivian girls!)
and she magically opened the big, heavy door and enormous butterfly wings grew out her back
and she fluttered away. That's when I woke up.
(Ok that made no sense... lol)
The actual dream was way more magical and the Vivian girl was more alive and pure but
I can't remember! So sad.

UGH, god, what am I supposed to do. Is there any books about him that I could read?
Are there any books showing his art works which I can purchase?

I don't know why, but looking at his paintings just makes you forget everything.
I seriously don't even give a shit about my sad life when I look at his works.
Oh.. and I want to say is that the paintings of the torture and massacre of
the little girls are the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. If I had to pick the most
horrifying art work I have ever seen, it will definitely be that.

I hope when I choose a art subject for school next year, I can choose my own
artist model because I will definitely choose Henry Darger.

That's it folks!

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