Sunday 14 December 2014

Blabbing about: The Philadelphia Story (1940)


I was interested in this film since I
was looking for a nice classic romantic comedy.
(And look at the cast!)

well.. I knew about this film and had a DVD for quite
a long time but didn't feel like watching it.

Anyway, lets get onto the review(ish)
shall we.

Warning:May contain spoilers!

And oh, this is going to be a extremely short post.
I think...

The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Romantic comedy

I have to say first, that I didn't feel like watching
this film for a long time since I found out that
this was the.. what is it called?
The original version? of "High Society(1956)".
So, I knew that..I knew the plot so felt
very.."oh what....".
(Damn... If I only knew...I would of definitely
watched this first!) 

But, Since I thought I HAD to give it a go
for the last time, I finally did watch it all the way.

OK, so the first thing I have to say about this
film is that I thought Katharine Hepburn was GORGEOUS.
She was absolutely beautiful...uh.
(lol, I've actually only seen her in 
"Guess who's coming to dinner(1967)"before.)

And, of course the wonderful Cary Grant and
James Stewart was extremely handsome as always.

OK...about the story-line...
Well... I really can't say I got any surprises
or anything since I pretty much knew it all,
but..yeah,Personally, I can't say I loved the story,
Since I don't really like "two guys taking over one girl"
settings.(well... this is more like three guys, and I
have said this before haven't I? haha.)
I also don't like "girls taking over one guy"settings as well! 
I prefer it when it's just you know, two humans.No more!

Overall, I thought the casting of the 3 main characters
were great and enjoyed watching Katharine, Cary and James
very much, but would personally thought the story was so-so.
(Just not my thing.)

And, one last thing:
I know I'm not supposed to compare,
But yes, I liked Katharine Hepburn as Tracy
waaay more then Grace Kelly, haha.
But...though I love both "Philadelphia Story" and "High Society",
I personally enjoyed watching "High Society" more,
Yes, Because of the music.
(Everything in "High Society" was great, 
except Grace Kelly. Sorry!)

Bye bye!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Blabbing about: Papermoon (1973)


So... I can't really remember when I first

knew about this film, but I fell in love with,
well, pretty obviously, the title.
And the wonderful poster.

I don't know why but I LOVE the

whole..what's it called? concept of "Paper Moon's".
I think its one of the most romantic things ever.
Yes, I do love the song "It's only a papermoon" to bits as well.
And, I love those floating moon things you sit on.
(Ugh.. I want to sit on one of those..My dream.)

So... I was always interested in this film and

finally had the opportunity to watch it! yay.
So here goes my very boring, extremely short review...

Warning: May contain spoilers!

Paper Moon 1973


So, The first thing I will have to say is

that I really enjoyed this film!
But...I actually don't know what to say about
this film to be honest...(as always).

I loved the characters, the relationships,

The beautiful black and white cinematography
the music...everything had a very nostalgic atmosphere.

I do think that one of the (or maybe the most)

important thing in a film is the atmosphere.
Like, every film has a whole different world
of it's own, right?
(But I dislike it when well, mostly recent films
try hard to make it have a atmosphere..
I shouldn't be made, it should be natural.)

I thought the performances of the two were

amazing and Addie was adorable.
I actually like the fact she smokes, to be honest.
(lol, this is not right isn't it)
It kind of shows us the times and the realities.
I think it's kind of romantic.
Addie Smoking, as usual.

And another small thing I love was the opening credits.

UGH, so perfect.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film and the best thing

about it was of course, the relationship between Addie and Moses.
It was just amazing,this whole film made me really happy.
It did make me laugh, feel sad, and smile.
It was a nice, cheerful, funny, nostalgic drama film
that shows you how beautiful human relationships can be.
This film will never get boring, and will
always end up putting a smile on my face.
Will definitely watch again!

Favorite Scene:
Just about every scene where Addie and
Moses is talking to each other.

"You still owe me two hundred dollars."

Sunday 23 November 2014

Blabbing about: Sunrise: A song of two humans (1927)


So, I first knew about this film when I was browsing through a
blu-ray website when it came up as a recommendation.
(Yes...same as before haha)
And...Same as always, I fell in love with the
Blu-ray Jacket(Or cover?).
I do judge movies with the cover don't I?

The Blu-ray cover which I Saw.

OK, so here we go with the very short review.

(yes....very, very short and boring as always)

Warning: May contain spoilers!

Sunrise: A song of two humans (1927)


So I will start of by saying that......

I loved this film so much! it was extremely
beautiful and everything was amazing.
I fell in love.

Yes, I thought the special effects were

AMAZING. I thought that this was one of those
films you understand the meaning and the
greatness after you have finished viewing it.
I've only watched it once and urgently want to
watch it again.
And, since I watched it on DVD this time,
It has to be on Blu-ray next time!

The romance between the man and the wife was
so beautiful and I did cry at the scene where the man
breaks down when they saw a wedding.
I love that scene so much.
(Silent melodramas are amazing, aren't they?)

Oh yes, and one thing that I thought was..
Well, I can't say that I've seen many silent films
but the title cards in this film seemed kind of
different from other ones I have seen.
I wonder why? well, this isn't important isn't it.

Yes, This scene.

I loved all the scenes in "Sunrise".

Oh man.. I....seriously...need to watch again...ahhh.
I know that I am going to cry hard out next time ahaha.
I think this film would always make me happy.

And, one thing I would like to say s that I thought the
special feature in the DVD was amazing!
I thought it explained everything so perfectly.
(well,duh.) It definitely deepened my understanding of
this film.

Overall, It was such a lovely, tender and romantic film.
It was utterly flawless in every way possible.
(I love that fact that everything was so simple..
The characters didn't even have names.)

oh man... I don't have the brain (or vocabulary)
to explain the greatness of this film!!!I'm so sorry!!

One of the most romantic scenes I have seen on film.
Uh...makes me cry. 

 thing I am sure about this film is that
I will have a different opinion every time I watch it.
I definitely don't understand the whole..
what it is called? amazing-ness,
 (wait, is that even a word? lol)
completely, yet.(Well, of course.
After all, I am still just 16 years old.)

If someday, I turn out to be"The wife"(well...hopefully.)
I think I will have a completely different view on this whole film.
And when I am like, 80 I will have a completely different
view as well. I fell like I can watch it film for my entire life actually.

Favorite scene:
When the Man and the wife is getting their
picture taken, and they think that they have broken off
and lost the head of a sculpture that was in the room.

I need to watch more silent melodramas...
What are some other great films? I need to look
for one sometime.

"This song of the Man and his Wife is 
of no place and every place; 
you might hear it anywhere, at any time.
For wherever the sun rises and sets, 
in the city's turmoil or under the open sky on the farm, 
life is much the same; sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet."

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Blabbing about: Dawn of the dead (1978)

(This film has so many awesome poster designs!)


So... I watched "Night of the living dead"
a while ago (The review was my first post on this blog)
and really enjoyed it and loved it and was always
interested in the next film from the "Living dead" trilogy
(or series? I'm actually not too sure.) 

But..The film just seemed too gory for my tastes

and I felt like I should watch it when I am more
confident...haha, because I am EXTREMELY
bad with blood/gore (as I have said in the previous post)
I do LOVE horror films, but I have completely no
interest in gory, (or should I say "gorror?") bloody,
splatter films. I mainly love psychological horror films.

So..."Dawn of the dead" was always in my..

what is it called, like a "Watch sometime later on"

I have no idea why but I really felt like I wanted to
watch like a action/horror film and I thought that
"Dawn of the dead" was the one.
So I HAD to watch it.
I didn't mind about the gore, and just thought that..
I will just, you know, cope and if it's too bad just give up haha.

OK, so let's go onto the review shall we!

Warning: May contain spoilers!

Dawn of the dead (1978)

I feel like I say this every time but I thought
this film was absolutely AMAZING!
It was so much more then I expected.
I have so much things to say about this film since
I love it so much!

OK, but I don't want to be blabbing about
random sh!t for too long so I will just say the
important bits that I want to comment on
one by one.

I think the first thing I want to say is this film
was such a perfect blend of comedy
(Or should I say comic?) and horror.
I did have a couple of good laughs, and the 
amazing special effects and the make up, the music, 
the plot, the cast... even the color of blood was PERFECT.
(The music was really great! like, the ending
was amazing! haha)

Another thing I loved about this film was,
yes, the characters!

When I usually think of modern zombies films,
I image the female lead to be some kind of a
extremely-sexy-tanned-strong young woman
that is wearing a bikini or some sort of clothing
that shows a lot of skin.
(Here goes my random imagination lol)
And I do not like that.

Anyway, I loved how there was only 4 main
characters. I loved them all!
I just REALLY loved the heroine- Francine.
She was very strong, in a quiet and gentle way.

Compare her fashion with the heroines in
Zombie movies now days haha.
Ugh, I love her so much.
But, my favorite character is Peter, of course.
He was awesome as hell.
(And Roger..WHY DID YOU DIEEEE ahhhhh....)

Sexy Peter.

OK...maybe I should talk about the zombies now..
I thought that they were really awesome!
By watching this I thought that..zombies don't have to have
their eyeballs poking out or their guts falling off,
and all of those things are completely unnecessary.
(Well.. I thought this when watching "Night of the living dead"
too but) Are people trying to make things TOO gory
these days? I think that this film has nothing that
is unnecessary and is flawless.

And... for the gore... It was actually
completely fine for me, which was unexpected lol.
Yes..some stupid people might say it's campy and
tame in today's standards.. but fu#k you.
(there, I said it haha)
I hate it so much when people say that.
Nothing has to be realistic, it's only a film after all.

Overall, I REALLY enjoyed this film
and loved it so much! I would definitely watch it
again but I'm pretty sure that I will not
watch any other films of this genre(Zombies,action)
Because I think this film is too perfect, and I
personally think it doesn't get any better then this.
(Well, for me. I think I wouldn't enjoy any other
zombie films as much as this.)

To be honest, I don't have any interest in zombie movies.
I have never had. I don't really get the point!
But... I LOVE "Night of the living dead" and
"Dawn of the dead". So there's that! haha.

Oh yeah,
I found this photo of a video tape jacket
when it was released in Japan but...

How freaking scary as that?!
(Especially the"back"..)
This VHS jacket is more terrifying then
the movie itself (Maybe)
And...I kinda think the international title,
"Zombie" is weird..
I like "Dawn of the dead" better.

Favorite scene:
I loved everything, but maybe the fun parts
when the characters are going around the
mall getting free stuff.
Ugh.. that will be so cool if I can do that..
But zombies.. how about no.

"Jesus, it's everywhere."

Monday 3 November 2014

Blabbing about: Alien (1979)


I knew about this film because..well,
It's an famous classic and most people will
at least know the title right?
And..I've always had the DVD (which was
included in a set) but I never had the..
guts to watch it. I thought that it will be scary as hell.
But....I don't know why but recently I've
been feeling like watching a horror film
and decided to give it a go.
I was always interested but too scared,
But since, now I knew I bit more about the film
(Didn't even want to know but well, there's
the internet with spoilers everywhere)
So, lets get onto the review shall we.

Warning: May contain spoilers!


The first thing I thought about this film is yes,
the special effects. The special effects/make up
along with the set design was AMAZING!
I really wonder how they did all those...
(I would love to see a "Making of" but
unfortunately it wasn't included in the special features.
I love "making of"s. By the way my favorite "making of"
documentary will be the one for "The Shining".)
And, the Alien costume was amazing as well!
UGH, I love it.

For the plot, I thought it was really interesting,
but as I said before, just browsing though a pop culture
website can come up with either the "Face-hugger"
reference or that baby-alien-coming-out-of-body
reference. I knew about those two so I can't say
I got any surprises or shock but it was still
extremely frighting... Yes,as I said, the SFX was
AMAZING. (It will all be CGI now days, right? ugh.)
The scene where one of the character's (Can't remember
names) head ripped off was amazing...
(man how many times do I need to use that word lol)
That REALLY freaked me out ahaha.
ugh....that moment his head started talking again...ahhh

And..yes, I thought everything else like the
cast,directing,acting, was great too!

This is kind of out of topic and I think I have said this before
but I FU#KING HATE IT when people think
classic horror film's special effects are campy and tame,
in "Today's standards".
What the fu#k is "Today's standards" anyway?
When someone says something like "This movie used
to be really scary in the olden days but with the
technology we got, it's even looks humorous"
UM, WHAT? fu#k you.(oh man...I need to be more lady-like.)
Did you event CGI? Are you working in the movie industry bitch?
(Shut up lol) I always think this, but just because you were born
later then some people, it doesn't mean you are superior.
Just watching a film doesn't make you any better.
I personally think that older horror films are more "Horrific"
many,many times more then modern ones.
Because modern films are just re-creating older ones with
more "Realistic" scenes right?
I always think this, but "better" technology doesn't
mean better films. It's almost the opposite.(well,duh.)
Think about the 1933 King Kong compared to the 2005 one.
I love the 1933 one and thought it was very, very well done,
but Hollywood will NEVER do anything like that again, ever.
(Well, of course.)

OK, enough with my bitching.
I'm done. #phew.

Man...I talked so long for something that was 
nothing got to do with Alien haha.
How the hell did I get to King Kong? lol.

Well, in conclusion, I really enjoyed this film
and the special effects were absolutely amazing.
This film never bored me and I will definitely watch again.

Favorite scene:
Do I even have one? haha.
Hmm.... but since I loved the SFX I would say
any scenes involving the special effects, the Alien
and the make ups (even though I did no like it haha.)
Or just the final scene where the Alien is flying
into space.

I want to wear that Alien suit.

"You are my lucky star...
You lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky...."

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Blabbing about: Wings (1927)


I am really excited about writing this review(ish)!

So, I first knew about this film by..of course, watching "The celluloid closet".

I didn't really care much about it at first, but ever since I knew that
the wonderful Clara Bow was in it, I had to watch it.
It was a pretty lengthy for a silent film, and I took 3 days to watch it, haha.
But it was well worth it!

Warning: May contain spoilers!



(I have NO knowledge on war and all that,

so I can't say anything about anything else then
the characters and the plot! sorry!)

The first thing I have to say is that,
the relationship(or should I say bromance?)between
Jack (Charles Rogers) and David (Richard Arlen)
was just AMAZING.
As hell.(They are both so handsome! ugh.)

I thought that they were.. adorable together.

Yes,yes, I know that they are just two good friends
but still, It just hit me.
(I can feel the "pre-code Hollywood" atmosphere..hehe)
I thought how the "celluloid closet" explained it,
"there was a time where men could express tenderness 
on the screen" was perfect.
That is the whole thing, you know?
just plain tenderness.

I thought that well, of course,

Clara Bow so charming as ever.
She lit up the whole screen every time
she appears.
And well, I can understand how she didn't really
like her role, but, there would of been SUCH a 
big difference if she Mary wasn't in the film!
Thank you Clara Bow, for being there.

Oh yes, I thought Gary Cooper was EXTREMELY

handsome. like, oh my god.
(He had a Cameo in another Clara Bow film "It(1927)"
Didn't he? I thought it will be like that in this film too,
But it was great that he actually was on screen for 
more then 10 seconds. And how amazing was 
that close-up shot on his face... )

Ok, so back to Jack and David.

I actually have so many things to say
now I don't know .. what to say (what??)

I thought this film was just so romantic.
Everything about Jack and David's relationship
was just beautiful.
(Hmm... the main romance is supposed to be
between Mary and Jack but how come
I always focus on just Jack and David?
and It's not even supposed to be a romance haha)

But, well, we are all supposed to see films
(or books or art..etc) and interpret it in our own way,
so, I personally believe.. or maybe something more like
want to believe is maybe that Jack and David's
relationship was something beyond friendship.
I actually don't want to say something
very straightforward like "they were gay",
Because that makes me sound really stupid.
Yes, I think it does, but... oh my god, I can't stop
myself from wanting that to be true! oh man.
Never mind. 
But I do really really think that they were "more then friends".
Yes. That has to be true.
(Maybe something in-between friendship and romance?)

What, what is it photo supposed to mean? haha.
Jack and David are having fun together and
Mary is left alone??? I shall talk about the

most famous(maybe?) part of this film.

The first on screen kiss between two men.

I feel like I have seen this scene so many times before

watching it with the actual film,
But it hits me every time.

I think this scene when David is lying down in Jack's arms

is one of the most saddest moments in film history. Really I do.

I think that this is one of the great things about silent movies.

I have to say that David's death tore my heart out but it
was extremely beautiful at the same time.
(A "sad" scene where someone dies in movies nowadays are
often really cheesy. They try so hard to make to us cry.. like wtf?)

Oh David...David....ahhhh..David..

I can't say anything to explain this scene then "beautiful".

But I have to say that "the kiss" isn't really a "kiss".

It's just beside the lip, as you can see. 
But, that's just as great. I'm extremely grateful for them to actually
make it happen!
(This "kiss" is told as a very good example of "pre-code Hollywood"...
so.. would this scene be cut if there was a production code then?
It wasn't supposed to be a romantic kiss, and its hardly as kiss anyway!
hmm.... production codes are stupid. As we all know.)

Oh yes, and I want to say that I thought the

action packed war-scenes were incredible!
I thought it was extremely well done and very realistic.
(I bet there are way more phony-looking scenes in recent
movies using crappy CGI haha.)
I don't understand anything about these war-fighting-scenes
so I pretty much had no idea what was happening
while all the planes were flying everywhere and going crazy
shooting one million holes through their enemies..but,
oh well. No one can understand a movie perfectly!

Best scene:

Of course, the "kissing scene".

I can watch it everyday, and cry all day.

In conclusion,

I thought this film was amazing, 
and was much much more then I expected.
Although I LOVE Clara Bow, and her character 
Mary, I have to say that I thought the relationship
between the two main characters, Jack and David was the best
thing in the whole film. Well, for me.
I will definitely watch this film again.
(hoping next time I can watch this on Blu-ray...)

What, why does Clara Bow look so left out 

in pretty much all the photos with the 3 main characters???
Like.. look at the second pic! you can just see her
Mumbling "Fu#k this... I hate you two."
(Oh and it isn't Clara Bow right... it's Mary.)

"You- you know there is nothing in 

the world that means so much to me as your friendship-"

Bye bye!

Saturday 18 October 2014

Blabbing about: Rope (1948)


So, I watched the 1948 Hitchcock thriller "Rope" the other day.

I first knew about this film since it was introduced in my 
favorite documentary "The celluloid closet".

I always wanted to watch it, so I did.

So here comes my random babbling, again.

Warning: May contain spoilers!

Rope (1948)

I'm actually not sure if there is a lot that I can talk about this film,

But I'll just say that I thought it was great!
I thought the famous real-time camera work was awesome,
and it really made me feel like I know, part of the movie.
Like, I was really with them. 

I thought the acting was superb and everything- was flawless.

I really can't believe this whole movie was just 8 characters talking to each other
in one room. It was so interesting!
I really love these types of  "experimental" kind of films.
I wonder if Hollywood is going to make anymore?
Maybe not. Audiences now days wouldn't be able to stand it, I guess.

Maybe, partly I watched this film to see the..haha,
the fabulous gay subtext throughout the film.
And... I really wonder ... how would this film be like
If there was no such thing as the production code then?
would it be more, how do I say it.. open?
I actually don't know, because is the relationship between the
two men that important?
(Ok... I don't even know what the hell I am talking about now..)

Yes, I thought how they served food on that..whats it called? a trunk?
Was like the most scariest and disturbing thing ever.
oh my god... this film actually really scared me.
The ending was intense..and sad, I wonder what happened to
James Stewart character after the credits started to roll.

I never,found Hitchcock's cameo.
I complete forgot about it, completely.
I mean, who can find that?? it looks like some random
red thing out the window to me! (lol)
I personally think Hitchcock's cameo in "North by Northwest"
was the most easy-to-find.

Best scene:

The Last scene. 

In conclusion,
This film was amazing, and I can't say anymore,
it left a lasting imagine in my head after the ending.
Just.. the 3 characters, all calm, waiting to be taken away.

Bye bye!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Blabbing about: The Birdcage (1996)

Hello! I decided to watch a new gay-themed film so here goes my review!

The Birdcage (1996)

The things that highlighted this film - was of course,

the Robin Williams character, and the Nathan Lane character.
But, the downsides where, to me personally,
was practically every other character in this film.
(.....And I also thought that there were so many stupid decisions 
made out through this film as well)

I REALLY loved the main..couple?( haha, is that how you describe it? )

But everyone else was such assholes! 
well, I can't say "everyone", It's just that son, 
and the girl that he wants to get married to.
I just couldn't stand the son (Val, was it?)
I thought he was just so... how do you explain it?
All he cared was about how much he wanted to look "normal" in front
of the girls parents and treated his parents like trash.
I thought - man... doesn't he actually feel grateful for his two dads for 
taking so much care for him?
And I didn't understand why they had to have dinner ... at 
their house.. is it like, a thing? (sorry I don't know anything in detail)
I hated how Val was always complaining, I felt SO sorry for Armand and Albert.

Also, the fact that he was only 20 and the girl was 18 and
they wanted to get married was stupid (as hell) as well.
I read a review on this movie and some people were saying that
the young couple would of definitely be divorced in a year.
I can't agree more.

Another stupid reason that made me want to punch him in the face was because

I was SO JEALOUS of Val. (lol what?)
I would of freaking died if I had Armand and Albert as my parents.
It would of been the best thing seriously!

OK, I would stop talking about Val and the girl..which I couldn't even
remember the name, and talk about the good parts of this film.

Yes, as I said before, I thought the two main characters were AMAZING.

I can't say anything more then that! lol.
How the two characters treated each other and everything was just so- perfect.
Like, casual, and calm. They have been together for so long they pretty much
know everything about each other,
 it's just like a elderly couple that has been married
for decades.. well, they are, aren't they?
In pretty much all other gay-themed films I have seen, the two main character's
relationships evolve more fireworks! and explosions! and so much drama!
(which is great too) but it was awesome to see something different, and 
something that is maybe, more real.

A really - I don't know, strange? weird? thing
(well I don't even know if its weird.. well, to me it is.)
was that I actually thought - Robin Williams was really hot. Like, oh my god.
Well, you can't blame me. I thought he was. full stop.

Best scene in this film:

When Armand and Albert sit on that bench together
when Albert leaves the house and Armand chases after him.

In conclusion,
I REALLY enjoyed watching this film and I LOVED the
two main characters to bits.
But some of the parts - including characters and plot
had some downsides.
I would definitely watch again, fast forwarding
any scenes involving Val, and the girl.

Bye bye!