Sunday 12 April 2015

Blabbing about: Pulp Fiction(199)


I have always wanted to watch this film, for as long as I remember.
(I I mean, the poster's like so iconic, I bet everyone has
at least seen the poster before.
Yep.. I first knew about this from from the poster.
Yep, I did fell in love with the design.
I didn't even know it was a Quentin Tarantino film till
I watched Reservoir Dogs and found out about the director.

Well, anyway, here goes my review!

Pulp Fiction (1994)
Action, Crime

I would say this very straightforward, I really REALLY LOVED THIS FILM!!!!
As soon as the film started and the opening credits started to roll I was like
And it didn't disappoint me one bit! Ah... Quentin Tarantino I love you.
(Even though I've only watched two films lol)

I think this film has a lot of similarities with Reservoir Dogs. For example, well,
the film starts in a cafe, the credits roll along with (amazing) music and the next scene is in a car.
(Does this make sense? lol)

There were so many things I loved in Pulp Fiction but oh my god I cannot say them all.
Ok, I will just write them down in points in no particular order:


1. The beautiful cinematography. The shots and scenes were all so sophisticated, I just love, loved it (for example, tracking shot used in the restaurant) I sometimes get dizzy but oh well lol.

2. The music. I LOVED THE SOUNDTRACK. I need to download it and listen to it everyday on my ipod.(lol jk, I don't even have a ipod) Now I can fill my life with both the Reservoir Dogs and the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.

3. The humour. This was such a funny film. I laughed so hard. I laughed at pretty much everything. I think that this film was hilariously frightening. (For example, I laughed so much in the scene where Butch is looking for a weapon at that Pawnshop, I don't even know why haha) Uh... I love crime films with lots of black humour. 

4. Vincent and Jules(Full stop). To be honest, this is my first time seeing both John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson(Well...except seeing John Travolta in Carrie) I loved them both. You don't know how much I loved the "dork" scene. It doesn't get any better than this.

5. The Narrative Structure. At the end where it connects to the beginning, I literally shouted "THIS IS SO AWESOME". I love stories with interesting narrative structures.

6. The Harvey Keitel character. Mr Wolf was just awesome, uh, loved it. I was actually waiting for Harvey Keitel to appear on screen haha.

7. The Quentin Tarantino character. I LOVED JIMMIE. Seriously, he was one of the highlights of this film for me. Loved his pajamas, loved the coffee talk, just loved everything.

8."The Bonnie Situation". Personally, my favorite chapter. I just loovvee Mr Wolf, Jimmie, Vincent and Jules (sorry Butch etc lol)

9. Mia. I loved her. "Why do we feel necessary to yak bullshit to order to be comfortable?" 

10. Just pretty much every dialogue spoken. "I'm the foot fucking master!" hahaha.

......And many more but I can't remember them all so I'll just finish for "10 things I love.." for now.

I thought this film was much, much better than I expected.
(Just by looking at the poster) Good I didn't do any research haha.

I just found out I can use "film review" templates to help me but I can't really
seem to find a perfect one so I'll just mix together some I found and make my own..
(lol, am I allowed to do that? )

1) Basic information:

Name of film: Pulp Fiction

Director: Quentin Tarantino

Release date: 1994

Length: 154 minutes

Type of film: Action, Drama, Crime

Cast: John Travolta as Vincent
          Samuel L Jackson as Jules
          Bruce Willis as Butch
          Uma Thurman as Mia
          Harvey Keitel as The Wolf

2) Basic plot:
The lives of two mob hit men, a boxer, a gangster's wife, and a pair of diner bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption.(By IMDb)

3) Setting:
I have no idea to be honest! I know its some big city in America but I'm guessing it's somewhere made up (like Gotham city) And I'm pretty sure it is set in the time of realise, the mid 90's.
Ohhh.. I went on Wiki and it says its set in LA. Oops.

4) Who was your favorite character and why?
My favorite character was either Vincent or Jimmie (lol) But.. I might say Jimmie ahaha.
I don't know why but I just loved him so much. He was just hilarious, talking about his coffee and calling Vincent and Jules a dork when they wore his clothes

5) Who was your least favorite character and why?
I loved everyone but I never liked the boss, Marsellus. And to be honest, I couldn't really
connect to Butch either (But his girlfriend was adorable)

6) Did you feel any connection/sympathy towards any of the characters?
Well no, not at all(hopefully) I don't really have any connections with hit men, boxers,
gangsters, or bandits. But, I think I have a connection with Vincent and Jules as a fact that
I talk and do the stupid things that they do with my friends too(NOT, shooting people but
talking about McDonald's etc haha)

7) What was your memorable/favorite scene and why?
My most memorable scene might be...hmm.....either the scene where Vincent and Jules get
changed into the "dork" outfit or the "Miracle" scene where they both don't get shot.
Other memorable scenes will be, well, the opening credits.

8) What was your most memorable/favorite quote and why?
I have heaps! I think I can easily quote ANY bit of dialogue.

What other film can you laugh when someone is talking about picking
up pieces of human skull shattered all over the backseat of a car?

9) Did this film remind of of any other films and why?
It reminded me a lot of the previous Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs.
(Well, maybe because the director and some of the cast where the same lol)
But it was just so original. I know the director has added homages from different
films but I couldn't pick them up. Well except some like the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre reference.

10) What do you think were the main themes/ideas of this film and why?
I don't know. I watched this film expecting it 100% for entertainment purposes.
Well, I can say the theme of this film is violence. And drugs.
One of the things that made me think about was that it's better not to carry
large amounts of money in your wallet in case someone steals it lol.

11) Did you enjoy the film? 
YES I DID. This was such an amazing film viewing experience.
I think I will never get bored of this film and I would continue watching it!
I think I need to add this to my "Escape from all this shit" Film list.

In conclusion, this was such a highly-stylized, funny,
amazing, clever film that is just absolutely perfect.
I loved everything.

Well....except the rape scene. I know it was extremely brief but I seriously
wish I can unsee that. Ugh, that was just horrible. It was like the most
horrible rape scene I have ever seen. Never can forget that.
(Next time I watch this film I am definitely fast forwarding that part.)

Hahaha, loved this scene.
Bye bye!

"Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him... and says, Catch up."

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