Sunday 26 April 2015

Blabbing about: Shadows of forgotten ancestors(1965)


I was on and this very interesting looking film was the film of the day.
I have never seen a Russian film before and was very interested so I gave it a go.

Well, I just realised that the language is actually in Ukrainian. Hmm...
so it's a Russian film but the language is in Ukrainian? So it's like how Leon: The Professional 
is a French film but the language is in English? Wait.. so how come it is a Russian film
if the story is set in Ukraine and the language is in Ukrainian... (god I sound so stupid haha)
Well anyway, lets get onto the review(well..more like just screenshots and a bit of what I thought)

1) Basic information:

Name of film: Shadows of forgotten ancestors (Тіні забутих предків)
Director: Sergei Parajanov
Release date: 1965
Length: 97 minutes
Type of film: Drama, Romance, Art house

2) Basic plot:
In a Carpathian village, Ivan falls in love with Marichka, the daughter of his father’s killer. When tragedy befalls her, his grief lasts months; finally he rejoins the colorful life around him, marrying Palagna.(From MUBI)

3) Setting:
The story is set in a Carpathian village in Ukraine and I'm not sure when this film is set but
It might be the time of release, the mid-60's?

OK, I'll skip question 4 to 6 just cause it's kind of hard to answer lol.

7) What was your memorable/favourite scene and why?
I thought that pretty much every scene was memorable... but I guess the MOST memorable
was that scene near the end when Ivan see's a ghost (?) of Marichka and you hear the two
singing. That scene still haunts me. Uh... so sad. That scene just makes my heart brake.

The costume, setting, music, everything was so new for me! I had completely no knowledge
about Ukraine so it was so awesome! Everything was just so beautiful.
I thought the directing was just amazing! It was unlike anything I have ever seen before.
(At the start when Ivan's brother gets killed was just took my breath away!)
It was just so unique. The use of the colour red was just amazing. Oh, and the awesome use
of the POV shots. I loved the shots taken from under the water.

8) What was your most memorable/favourite quote and why?

I don't even know if you call this a quote but this scene(with the quote lol).

9) Did this film remind of of any other films and why?
Nope, not at all! I think this film is extremely independent and unique, it's a genre on it's own.
And well, I've never seen any other Russian or Ukrainian films so I can't really compare I guess.

10) What do you think were the main themes/ideas of this film and why?
Properbly just love and redemption. I personally thought of this film as more of a 
and admiring the beauty of the scenery film more than story. Well, I don't know.
I have no knowledge (as you can tell) and I'm pretty stupid so I don't understand a lot of aspects,
but I did enjoy it in my own way so thats that!

11) Did you enjoy the film? 
Yes I did! But it was very different from what I thought this film will be like.
I thought it was going to be more story based, like, by reading the synopsis I thought it
was going to be like a Romeo and Juliet melodrama love story (well.. I'm not too far off I suppose but) But it was more than that. As the film says at the start, It was, a "poetic drama".
This whole film was like a poem. 

Well, in conclusion, it was awesome getting to watch a Russian, Ukrainian language film
because I have never seen a Russian film or ever seen any films set in Ukraine.
It did really teach me a lot of things and I'm sure it widened my views on films! 
I really enjoyed this film, and it didn't bore me one bit, but I don't think it will be a film I will
continue on watching. I really have to thank MUBI for choosing this film to show to us because
I'm sure if it's not for them, I would have NEVER seen it or even knew about the existence haha.

You don't know how much I love film stills. Here are some more of the pretty scenes.
I hope MUBI will show more awesome films.

Well that's all for now folks! Bye bye!

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