Sunday 5 April 2015

Blabbing about: A star is born (1954)


I just watching the film, "I star is born" which I have been longing
to view for so long.

And it was just extremely, super, AMAZING.
Oh my fu*king god I AM CRYING.

Ok... I should calm down now..ahem.
It's just that this film was just ... so extraordinary.... I can't... 

So...well... I think I'm a bit calm downed now so
I shall start my actual review now..

A Star is Born (1954)

I loved this picture so so much. I don't know what to do.
I want to watch this everyday of my life.
Ahh... I have a thousand things to say about this film but
it's all muddled up and I don't know what to say now.
(damn I'm so crazy.)

Judy Garland was just absolutely amazing .. like she was 
dazzling. Ugh..I am making no sense at all.
The whole time I just felt so sad. Why didn't she receive an oscar?
It just made me extremely angry.

Both performances by Judy Garland and James Manson were
extremely powerful. This film itself was just flawless as it can be.
Ahh... musicals are so damn amazing. 
Uh, and I also thought the directing was also very interesting!
The voice overs with the photographs, nothing I have ever seen
in a musical before.

Oh how amazing it will be if I can just hug Judy Garland.
Well, I'll just imagine hugging Judy Garland and tell how much
I love her in my head (Don't tell me I need a life.)

Oh Judy Garland Judy Garland...Judy Garland.....

I mean, how can you not love Judy Garland after watching
the Here's What I'm Here For number?

I've said this already, but this film was just absolutely perfect.
I seriously didn't expect this much at all.
I am so glad I got to watch this wonderful picture.

Just cry all day cause Judy Garland is so flawless.

So, my next step is to purchase this on a blu-ray copy.
So I can watch it anytime I want to.
I'll add this to my "films to watch when I want to forget everything" list.
(By the way other films I have in that list are:
-A Patch of Blue (1965)
-Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
-Taxi Driver (1976)

-Dawn of the dead (1978)
-Alien (1979)
-Scarface (1983)
-Robocop (1987)
-Reservoir Dogs (1992)
R-rated drama/action movies make the best "escape from all this shit" films.(lol)
Nice romantic films are great too, but I sometimes just get sad watching
them; but I'm never not in the mood to watch A Patch of Blue.)

OK, this wasn't a review at all and it was just me making no sense at all
but well, never mind. It's just that this film was too amazing.

I just want to say this I feel like this film is so underrated and it
deserves more applause. I love glorious technicolour musicals and
I love Judy Garland. (And I also love the 50's too!)


I mean, the trailer always makes me cry.

"But I had to sing.
I somehow feel most alive when I'm singing."

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