Wednesday 22 April 2015

Blabbing about: Teorema (1968)


As I have said previously, I signed up for this website called
Where you could watch all types of art house films online.
I can't really remember when but a few days ago the film of the day was
a film called "Teorema". I read synopsis the and was very interested (I mean, I have
never seen a film with a story like that before) and decided to give it ago.

1) Basic information:

Name of film: Teorema

Director: Pier Paolo Pasolini

Country: Italian

Release date: 1968

Length: 98 minutes

Type of film: Art house

2) Basic plot:
A wealthy family hosts a strange visitor. He seduces the maid, the son, the mother, the daughter, and finally the father, before leaving after a few days. After he’s gone, no one can continue living as before. Who was the visitor? Was he God?(From MUBI)

3) Setting:
The film is set somewhere in Italy and I'm pretty sure it is set at the time of release.

OK, since this is a art house film, the questions 4 to 8 do not really fit in
so I'll just skip them out and just talk about what I personally thought in general.

First of all, I thought that this was a very, very interesting film.
All I could pretty much say it that I found it very, very interesting (lol)
(Well it really was!) I actually didn't think that I would like it very much,
but surprisingly I really enjoyed watching "Teorema".

I thought this film was - uh, it is hard to explain. It was... strange but made sense.
Well, kind of. Maybe I'm too stupid to understand this. 

I thought the directing was wonderful and the scenes were extremely beautiful.
Oh man... while I was watching this film I felt so many things but now I am up to writing about
it I cannot think of anything to say.

I thought the combination of the close-ups of the faces and the long shots were just amazing.
And I don't know why but all the faces of the characters looked so.. raw, like, they were real. 
(You don't get much of that in Hollywood movies I have to say.)

I don't know how well known this film is (nor the director) and I knew absolutely nothing
about anything before watching this film, but I am very glad I watched it!
I am so happy I signed up for MUBI since if it wasn't for them, I don't think I would have
EVER watching Teorema in my whole life. Or even knew about the existence to be honest.
I really enjoyed Teorema, but I don't think I will watch any other films directed by
Pier Paolo Pasolini since they sound a bit extreme for my tastes lol.
But if there were some other film (I haven't done a lot of research yet) that I think will be
suitable for me, than I will definitely check it out :)
(uh, I just love finding new directors and looking for the next film to watch.
My goal is to watch every film directed by at least one director!)


Yes... I did take a lot of screen shots. Just cause. I just loved the (extreme) close-ups!
If I had to describe what this films was like , I'll say that this was a very quiet, tender but also passionate film. It was a very enjoyable experience watching this!

7) What was your memorable/favourite scene and why?
My most memorable scene was this scene:

This scene where the house maid is found floating up in mid air was very.... interesting.
(well if you look at it as a still it just looks like the woman had jumped up doesn't it.)
There were many many other memorable scenes in this film (for example when the
maid is buried in the sand and the ending when the father is running around naked)

8) What was your most memorable/favourite quote and why?

As the tagline for this film says: There are only 923 words spoken in "Teorema" - but it says everything!" (But I wonder if it is 923 Italian words or the translated english words?)
But I think one the most memorable quote for me was:

I don't know why, don't ask me. 

9) Did this film remind of of any other films and why?

Nope! Not at all lol. It didn't remind me of any other films.
I don't watch too many art house films and I hardly watch foreign films.

10) What do you think were the main themes/ideas of this film and why?

I have absolutely no idea!! This was one of the hardest films to understand.
But well, I'm sure everything had a meaning and is there for a purpose,
but it's an art house film, and it doesn't necessary have to make sense does it? 

11) Did you enjoy the film?

Yes I did very much! it was actually strange because I watched half of the film
before going to bed yesterday and had a dream about finishing the rest of the film haha.
While I was at school I just couldn't wait to go home and watch the rest.
This film was haunting me in class.

I did some research about the director (just now) and he sounds like a very very interesting man...
Everything about his life sounds like it is off a book or something.

Well anyway, I'll finish for now! Bye bye!

"You must have come here to destroy"

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