Sunday 19 April 2015

Hell yeah 80's Horror: Blabbing about The Thing (1982) The Evil Dead (1981)


Yes, I love horror films. I love horror films not because I am some random

emo kid trying to look cool by saying that (Or you know.. those people who
just say it cause they think they're cool that they're not scared)

I love horror films because I LOVEEE special effects and make-up.

Ugh, I just love, love it. That's why I don't watch ANY horror films made after the 90's.
Um, seriously, CGI gore? no way. Horror's dead.
My favorites will always be the 70's and 80's.

Well, anyway, lets start with my random review of two very major and popular 80's

horror films.


1) Basic information:

Name of film: The Thing 
Director: John Carpenter 
Release date: 1981
Length: 109 minutes
Type of film: Horror, Sci-fi, Action

2) Basic plot:
Scientists in the Antarctic are confronted by a shape-shifting alien that assumes the appearance of the people that it kills.(From IMDb)

3) Setting:
The film is set in Antarctica and I am pretty sure it is set in the time of release, 1981.

4) Who was your favorite character and why?
lol That's a hard one but probably the Kurt Russell character.
I liked him because he was smart, calm, leading and well, he was the main character.

5) Who was your least favorite character and why?
Um..... hmm... that is a hard one too, actually. I don't really have a least favorite
character because everyone was pretty mediocre in my opinion.
No one really stood out besides the main character (that I remember..)

6) Did you feel any connection/sympathy towards any of the characters?
Well, yes. I would never want to go through what the characters in the film
went though! 

7) What was your memorable/favorite scene and why?
Pretty much ALL the scenes where "the thing"attacks!!!!
That was just AWESOME AS HELL. It doesn't get better than that.
Ahh, I just LOVED it. But I enjoyed the scenes when the people
turn into "the thing" rather than the dog. It was much more interesting and fun.
Hmm... I think my favorite was that..uh..I don't know names but the spider-head dude.
That was just- ugh, genius.
But I loved all the other scenes too! My also favorite scene is when the same guy's
torso opens up and bites the other dudes arm off (daym I'm so good at explaining lol)
I loved that scene too. I just loved everything.
Whoever did these makeups and special effects, god bless you(But I forgot your name sorry!) 

8) What was your most memorable/favorite quote and why?
"You gotta be fucking kidding". Lol, is that good enough?

9) Did this film remind of of any other films and why?
Well...... it did kind of remind me of Alien(1979) and The Fly(1986).
And it also reminded me a bit of Day of the Dead(1985).
Alien as in there is a...well, alien that you don't know what it is (and you
also don't know who has become it) The Fly for some of the make-up and
Day of the Dead in the scene where the doctor does an autopsy.

10) What do you think were the main themes/ideas of this film and why?
I don't really know lol. I watched this film 100% for entertainment purposes as well
as any other horror films. But maybe things like trusting others?

11) Did you enjoy the film? 
YES I DIDDD it was amazing. The special effects can't be explained in words.
I just couldn't help smiling while watching it. It was just super super original and
awesome as hell. I don't think this film was gorey in any way though.
It was just- yes, super awesome! and extremely fun to watch.
I can't believe I never had this film in mind to watch lol. I thought it was really bad!
Uh, I am so glad that I watched this.


1) Basic information:

Name of film: The Evil Dead 
Director: Sam Raimi
Release date: 1981
Length: 85 minutes
Type of film: Horror, Action

2) Basic plot:
Five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release flesh-possessing demons.(From IMDb)

3) Setting:
This film is set in an isolated cabin in a forest in the Tennessee hills.
And I am pretty sure this film is set near the time of release, the early 80's.

4) Who was your favorite character and why?
My favorite character was, of course, ASH.
Haha, I've waited so long to view the cult icon Ash actually on screen.

5) Who was your least favorite character and why?
Everyone except Ash and Cheryl. I don't really have a reason, I just didn't like them.
I mean, why did Cheryl even go stay with them? She was such a third wheel.

6) Did you feel any connection/sympathy towards any of the characters?
Well properly Cheryl because I am a third wheel like her(lol)

7) What was your memorable/favorite scene and why?
Um...... hmm...... maybe...uh..... um....Oh yeah, I likes the scene when Ash
Rips off Linda's head off with an Axe. I thought that ...uh...special effect? lol was
pretty fun. And also the scene when Ash pulls out that ...was it a twig? out of Scotts leg 
and the blood just flows out. OH YESS and of course, the stop motion scene
at the end when the bodies of the demons decompose (my favorite was when the tongues of the
demons just randomly started moving around in a weird motion haha). 


Other scenes that were interesting were when that white liquid started spewing out of the bodies.
I think "White liquids" are always pretty disgusting to watch. 
I don't know why, normally you think it can't be that gross compared 
to things like red blood, but personally, no.
White liquids are gross. Like in Alien(1979) and Eraserhead(1977).

8) What was your most memorable/favorite quote and why?
"You bastards, why are you torturing me like this? Why?" haha I loved the scene when 
Ash says this. It was so campy and perfect.

9) Did this film remind of of any other films and why?
It reminded me A LOT of "The Exorcist(1973)". People being possessed by evil demons and 
having a very violent behaviour, having a different (very annoying, usually deep)voice....
I personally thought this was like a cross between The Exorcist and Night of the Living Dead(1968). I actually did think this was a zombie film for a long time. Well, that was because on the poster you can see a hand coming out of the ground so I thought it was a dead body that was buried that became a zombie and was attacking the woman(lol)

10) What do you think were the main themes/ideas of this film and why?
I don't know lol. This is purely for entertainment like most horror films.
But well, the themes will be something like Evil vs Good I guess.

11) Did you enjoy the film? 
Well, yes, kind of. But I didn't really like this film though. I don't know, but it just wasn't
too original for me (Though the tagline by stephen King doesn't agree with me lol)
I don't know, maybe it was a bit too dark for my tastes. And the demons were just...
hmm... they were kind of cool, but not lol I don't make sense.

They weren't too appealing to me I suppose. It was just that they had some wrinkles with
grey faces with white eyes. But, I did think the "White eyes" was very new. I actually
can't think of any other previous horror films that used white contacts.


Ok, one other thing I want to say is that to be honest, I don't really like the posters
of the two films :/ It's sad since it's both so iconic, but personally..meh.
I like the design of The Evil Dead poster, but the films kind of got nothing to do with it lol.
I mean, who is that woman? who's hand is that? and Ash is the protagonist so shouldn't he be
on the poster?? (Well maybe people prefer a woman being attacked on posters rather than a man....)

And another thing I want to say is that daym, the female roles are so useless in both films haha.
I mean, The Thing didn't even have a single female character and The Evil Dead's female characters all became a demon and died first. Yes, the interesting things about the two were the protagonist where both Male. I actually kind of liked it when it was the guy that was weak and scared and getting beaten up by the monster rather than a girl. Like, I always think this but what would it have been like if "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974)"'s protagonist was a male?
lol I chose that because I think that that films protagonist had the most intense "scare".
Like, personally, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's most disturbing thing was the main girl ahaha.

Well, back to the subject but I personally didn't like the fact that Cheryl became the demon first,
I mean, normally wouldn't be the final girl? She was smart and picked up that something was
wrong before anyone else has, she didn't deserve that :(

Well anyway, I'll stop for today lol. I cant talk about horror films for ages lol.

Bye bye!

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