Saturday 4 April 2015

Blabbing about: The Red Shoes (1948)


I can't really remember how I came to this film actually.
Hmm.....maybe..uh....oh yeah, I found a copy at a DVD rental store
and the cover seemed pretty interesting so I went home and searched
about it and as a technicolour musical lover, it was a must see.

Ok, here goes the review!

The Red Shoes (1948)

The one thing I want to say is that I couldn't appreciate ANY of the beautiful
cinematography because I saw it on a dodgy DVD I rented out from the library. stupid could I get. I could of got it out on blu-ray but I was so
cheap I didn't...(The blu-ray was $5 whereas the DVD was $1)

This is the DVD I saw it on, DON'T WATCH IT ON THIS!!
(And probably all the other series in the "masterpiece collection")
The quality was extremely bad and the whole screen was like a dirty mud colour.
Oh man, this is supposed to be a beautiful technicolour musical....

So, ok, besides my poor choice on what I watched it on,
I thought it film was absolutely amazing and I'm sure I would love it
even more (and discover the true beauty) if I get to view it on a remastered edition.

I thought the main character, Vicky was so pretty. UGH,
I wish I had red hair and blue eyes like her.

I thought that this film had such a unique atmosphere,
it was unlike any other film I have ever seen before.
It was like, I can smell this film. (Does that make sense? lol)

I complete fell in love with the directors, and now I'm
desperate to watch "The tales of Hoffman".
Unfortunately, I cannot get a hold of the digitally restored 4K version
(UGHHH it will be SO AMAZING if I can though!)
So I hope that the DVD for it will be reasonably ... restored? lol.
I mean, the trailer for it is so beautiful. UGH, please god make sure
"The tales of Hoffmann" at my DVD rental store is good quality!(lol)

So that's about it! lol, this was completely a rant more than a review
but oh well. One of the most annoying things in my life are bad quality DVD's.

Bye bye!

"Why do you want to dance?"
"Why do you want to live?"
"Well I don't know exactly why, but I must."
 "That's my answer too."

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